
iFIT Member Highlight: Dustin Johnson

READ TIME:3 min.

After coping with an incredibly challenging year, iFIT Member Dustin Johnson chose to put on his running shoes again and get back into the rhythm of running. Although he’s a newer member, he’s already racking up the miles with iFIT Trainers like Sally McRae and Nicole Meline. Dustin shared his experience with iFIT so far and his plans for racing in the near future. Here’s his story!

iFIT member Dustin Johnson

How has your fitness journey been over the last few years? Have there been obstacles along the way?

My fitness journey began in 2011. Fitness paved a new path in my life that I finally enjoyed! In 2016, I discovered my love for running. I started running 5Ks and 10Ks. Before I knew it, I was running a race every weekend! 

Over the last year and a half, there have been many obstacles. From COVID-19 to the loss of many people close to me, it was a tough year. I went from running my first ultramarathons to being depressed, smoking again after quitting for years, and ceasing to run altogether. However, iFIT has helped me change that, and I’m forever grateful. 

As an avid runner, you’ve completed quite a few races, including ultras. Do you plan to run any upcoming iFIT virtual races?

Yes! On weekends, I’m normally camping during the summer, so I’m very much looking forward to doing my first iFIT virtual run—the Surf City 5K—on September 11th! I’m hoping to do more during the winter months as well.

iFIT member Dustin Johnson running workout

Alongside checking off more iFIT running series, what else do you have planned for 2021? Do you have your eye on any in-person races?

I have so many runs that I plan to do now that we are doing more in-person racing! I was recently drawn in the lottery for the Medtronic® TC 10 Mile. The run starts at the U.S. Bank Stadium® in Minneapolis and finishes at the capitol in St. Paul. I also have various trail and road 5Ks and 10Ks coming up.

What motto do you live by?

My fitness motto is “One more mile!” Whether you run, walk or crawl, you can always push one more mile. You can always go the extra mile. I loved the saying so much that I had it tattooed on my forearm. Nothing helps motivate me more when I’m tired and want to quit than looking down at my arm and knowing I can always go a little more.

iFIT member Dustin Johnson running

Who is your favorite iFIT Trainer?

I’ve enjoyed all the trainers that I have tried, but two that stick out to me are Nicole Meline and Sally McRae. Nicole was so positive and empowering on the Old Yellowstone Trail run that she pushed me mentally to keep going. Sally was one of the reasons why I wanted to run my first ultras. She’s amazing and inspiring. Seeing that she was an iFIT Trainer when I joined was the icing on the fitness cake!

What is your favorite iFIT series?

No favorite workout series for me yet. Since getting my NordicTrack treadmill, I’ve been jumping all around on workouts. From the Challenges to Live Events, I’m just enjoying the variety iFIT has given me. I will say I am very excited to start the Swiss Alps Summit Series

iFIT member Dustin Johnson treadmill workout

What do you like most about iFIT?

I absolutely love the variety of workouts, from hiking to running and walks. Plus, the trainers and fantastic community help motivate me in so many ways!

Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. iFIT assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article. Always follow the safety precautions included in the owner’s manual of your fitness equipment.

Opinions of iFIT members are not necessarily the opinions of iFIT.

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